Beginner's Luck? Or is this Magic always in your Hands?
Jul 05, 2024
Have you ever spontaneously tried something for the first time whether it be to play a sport or to make a recipe, and you just crack it?
You do it really well!
Everyone, most of all you, are amazed at your seemingly natural talent for whatever it is.
Then… you try it again, and you just can’t do it like you did the first time.
Beginner’s Luck run out? Or did you misunderstand the concept of this Magic?
What is it that allows us to sail through trying things out for the first time; and what makes that first time kind of the last time???
Let’s analyze what happens when you spontaneously end up in a situation to try something new where you don’t feel pressured at all to achieve. There is no skin in the game; it is just for fun.
✨ You are just open and in a way full of fun.
✨You might be curious as to how it works.
✨ You have no expectation for the outcome; you are in a way just experimenting.
✨ You feel light and are really not attached to how it works out. You are just exploring.
✨ You feel a bit like a child who is curious and giving it a shot.
All these characteristics sound like a recipe for Beginner’s Luck or Magic that you can always have in your hands. Look at the main things involved: It is the effortlessness of everything. There is no pressure and there is no attachment to the outcome. Either way you will be happy. It is just a game.
Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches how ‘life is an experiment.’ He says If you approach it with a sense of curiosity and openness, you get to create a new reality. Why is it a new reality? If you consider what the opposite of curiosity and openness is, then you will know why your present reality feels effortful.
If you approach your life with “I have to,” “I must,” “I need to,” then you can feel the full burden of your reality. This is the opposite of feeling open and curious about situations.
I remember the first time I ever played Disc Golf (Frisbee Golf). I had no idea how to aim or even throw the frisbee.
Somehow just watching the others and the effect of just having fun made it very easy for me to play in such a way that it looked like I had done this a few times.
When I realized that I was pretty good at this, I started trying and really putting effort into it, and somehow it just went sideways.
Then I realized something powerful: I could see the phenomenon of being open & curious, or forcing and putting lots of effort in nearly everything I do.
When I make videos for my social media, if I just go with the flow and speak from my heart, it works great with very little effort.
I just enjoy it.
I view it as a fun way to share meaningful information.
When I spend a lot of effort and time in editing it, it somehow just becomes a burden and is mediocre, leaving me feeling bad.
I definitely see that whenever I am putting too much effort and force into something, it is a sure sign I am on the wrong path. David Hawkins teaches this idea in his book Letting Go.
His main teaching is to relax, using the breath, to allow the emotion, the physical pain, or the disturbing situation to just be there until it dissipates of its own.
In fact, Michael Singer teaches the exact same thing using the words, “Relax and Release.” He even says when you feel compelled to do something, rather do the opposite: do nothing. I have found this to work every time. When I react out of pressure and ‘have to,’ it comes from a place of fear and lack. With that kind of energy, nothing really works in my best interest. It makes more sense to just take the time and come into the Present Moment and appreciate everything that is in that actual moment.
So how is it possible to harness this Magic or ‘Beginner’s Luck’ in our everyday life?
- To approach each new day as a gift. Literally wake up in the morning and give thanks for the day filled with wonder and fun ahead of you.
- Make a decision to be childlike and excited about the moments you can experience each day.
- See your life as your Guru and your Science Experiment. Bless it with positive energy as you go through the day and observe what happens. Play it like a game.
- Speak to each situation you find yourself in and bless it with harmony and joy.
- The cardinal rule is: If I am putting too much effort into something, I should stop and find joy in the task. Bless it with lightness and openness, and then look for the light and openness in it.
In my next blog I will share with you how I discovered the ‘knowing’ that I can always trust in the lightness and openness. I did this Beginner’s luck experiment and discovered for myself a KNOWING that I can release and relax, because I am interconnected with the Universe and, I know it does hear me.
Stay tuned! It makes this process so much easier as I literally KNOW I always have magic in my hands. There is no luck.
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